Wednesday 27 July 2011

Atlas Shrugged vs. Les Miserables

I read Atlas Shrugged in May. I loved it. It is one of those rare books that really changes the way one thinks. There are a lot of aspects of Ayn Randism that I love and a lot that I disagree with.

It would be interesting to compare Rand's Atlas Shrugged to Hugo's Les Miserables, stripping the stories and looking at the philosophies behind them-- Atlas Shrugged glorifying Justice as the only upholdable virtue and Les Miserables doing the same to Mercy. It is interesting how we as humans require both Justice and Mercy and yet these well-known, remarkable books treat them as though they are mutually exclusive and venture to show that they not only cannot co-exist happily, but should not.

These are half baked thoughts... and I actually haven't even read Les Miserables. But I didn't want to forget my idea.